Strengthening Your Massage Practice to Withstand Any Storm



Now that we’ve experienced one of the biggest challenges a massage practice could ever face, let’s turn our attention to how to strengthen your massage practice to not only withstand any future storm, but to create a thriving business that is not reliant on a singular revenue stream. 



A Whole New Market!

Even before COVID-19, many people experienced loneliness. Now, as the majority of the population has experienced isolation, we know that now more than ever, the general population has an appreciation for the importance of human connection and touch. People who have never considered the benefits of massage may be ripe for learning more about how to incorporate this into their wellness routines. Not only is this an opportune time to market to new clients, but a recent survey shows that the majority of those who have received massage in the past will be returning. 



Mind-Body Connection

Not only has the general population now personally witnessed the importance of touch, but the conversation around mind-body practices on overall wellbeing has been moved to the forefront of the general population’s mind. They have read articles and seen news clips about the top stress relief tools - yoga, breath work, and mindfulness meditation. Consider incorporating mind-body practices into your offerings. Massage lends itself beautifully to guiding your client into witnessing their own mind-body connection. If you haven’t heard of Yomassage yet, this modality is a great way to diversify your menu of offerings, to introduce and create an affordable service that clients can book more frequently, and one that is appealing to those potential new clients just learning about massage. 



Expand Your Offerings

As we’ve witnessed, when we are reliant on one single revenue stream (individual massage), our businesses are put in jeopardy when there is a public health crisis. As Massage Therapists you have a wealth of knowledge that can be translated into many other services! A new and diversified menu of services will continue to keep businesses strong no matter what the future holds. You can create custom self-care plans for your repeat clients with specific issues, create virtual courses on self or partner massage, do ergonomic assessments of your client’s work spaces or daily routines. The opportunities are endless! Read our blog for more ideas! You might also consider expanding your in person offerings to include more low or no touch offerings as clients. 



Solid Hygiene Practices

Finally, while many client’s are anxious to return to massage, it’s important that we effectively communicate and physically show our clients the steps we are taking to do everything within our power to keep them safe. The cleaning and sanitizing that we used to do outside of the client’s view, should now be done in front of the client or at the very least, the client should be able to see a written cleaning protocol. 

Effectively communicating that you are keeping abreast of the latest recommendations for hygiene will keep your client’s returning. We have provided access to a reopening toolkit, but of course make sure you are following your own state’s protocols. 


We have created tons of other resources like Re-opening Toolkit and Are Consumers Ready to Return? to support you in your practice during this time. You can find them here.

If you want to join the Yomassage community, you can do so through our free Yomassage Facebook group:

For more info about Yomassage, follow us on Instagram and listen to our podcast!

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