What is #yomassagegives?
NewsOur Mission at Yomassage is to make therapeutic touch and mindfulness accessible, which is why we are so excited to start this new Yomassage Gives project!
At our Portland headquarters, we will be doing Yomassage classes for underserved communities, focusing on a different community each month. We invite you to join us to spread this good work across the country! Yomassage believes in the mind-body connection and the power of touch to heal both physically and emotionally.

While Yomassage is highlighting different communities each month, you might consider working with the same community that resonates with you the most. This is especially true with our more vulnerable groups that require developing trusting relationships before engaging in bodywork. Consistency is also important for many who have experienced a serious trauma – once they have developed that trusting relationship they need that same person to show up instead of having a new bodyworker each time. While the desire for developing a trusting relationship and consistency is true for most people, it is a need for many populations who have experienced trauma.

If you are interested in learning more about working with populations who have experienced trauma we encourage you to take our online Trauma Informed Bodywork course, seek out other literature on trauma and trauma informed practices, and even find a mentor to learn from who already has experience with this special type of work. It is our duty as helping professionals to “do no harm” and we must educate ourselves in this work to be able to provide the healing environment and service that is our goal. We’ve listed several additional resources below:
The Body Keeps the Score
Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
Trauma Stewardship
Laura van Dernoot Lipsky
You are the Placebo
Joe Dispenza
Trauma Informed Care Project
Walking the Tiger: Healing Trauma
Peter Levine